Ace 2 Deuce CTA/NJTL Safeguarding Policy
Our Volunteers
1. We will ensure that those working for us, either as staff or as consultant, have the necessary skills and background for the role they are contracted, and are aware of their obligations to safeguard children under the Safeguarding Policy.
2. Where we become aware of a child that may be in need of protection, we will work with all relevant agencies to support the child and ensure their protection. In practice we will support the organisation working or in contact with the child to ensure that the case is appropriately managed, but if the agency does not want to take the issue forward or act upon our concerns we reserve the right to refer the case to the appropriate authorities.
3. All decisions made will be with the best interests of the child as a key consideration.
4. All reports made and concerns raised will be taken seriously and acted upon.
7. We will monitor and review our safeguarding procedures on a regular basis to access where they can be improved.
Child protection policy
To support meaningful participation of children, we have developed the following basic guidelines:
- Need to acknowledge that children’s right to participate in matter affecting their lives is a not a ‘favour’ or given through the good will of adults but that it is their right both under international law, and in many cases domestic law.
- The best interests of the child should always be the primary consideration. Children should not be placed at risk by their participation. If adults do not think it is in children’s best interests to be consulted or involved in a particular activity, this should be explained and discussed with children in an open manner and their views considered.
- All actions to promote children’s participation must be respectful of the rights and dignity of the child.
- Adults should be honest with children about why they are seeking children’s involvement, and what the possible outcomes may be. For example children should not be given the impression that what they want will automatically happen.
- Expectations of the level of participation by children should be appropriate according to the child’s age, skills, gender and evolving capacities. Even very young children can be consulted over decisions that affect their lives and it is the responsibility of adults to find ways to ensure that this can happen.
- Children and adults should agree what information is confidential and how sensitive information will be used.
- Participation must be voluntary and children should be made aware that they can ‘opt out’ at any point, without recourse – although this will mean that adults will not be able to take into account their views (eg if not given) which could affect decisions made.
- Permission should be sought from parents and guardians.
- Processes for boys and girls to participate should be equitable, non-discriminatory and as inclusive as possible. Special measures should be taken to ensure that children who want to participate are able to do so. This includes taking into account children’s other time commitments such as school, work and household chores.
- A child-friendly environment should be created that convinces children that their participation is respected.
- Adults facilitating children’s participation should be skilled and confident in their role and responsibilities.
- Children should always be informed of the outcome of the participatory process.
U.S. Center for SafeSport – additional info